The Story of Pufin ID now on video

Learn all the essentials about optical Physical Unclonable Functions, PUF’s, and the countless use cases of how can they protect products and make supply chains more transparent in a reliable way.

This exciting video opens the world of PUFs for you. You’ll hear our co-founder and CSO Thomas Just Sørensen telling about PUFs – what are they made of and in what kind of various ways they can be used to complete the link in todays digital economy.

Click to the video to learn all the essentials about PUFs – optical Physical Unclonable Functions, and how are they playing an essential role in today’s digital and circular economy.

You can learn more on our site about the technology behind PUFs and the industries that we protect.

Our team is happy to discuss how can PUFs bring your business and brand security to the next level.

Contact us today to learn more!

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